
class ansys.mechanical.core.embedding.logger.windows_api.APIBackend#

Provides API backend for Mechanical logging system.



Flush the log manually.


Enable logging.


Disable logging.


Set the log level for Mechanical based on the Python log level.


Set whether to auto flush to the standard log file.


Set the location to write the log file to.


Set the base location to write the log file to.


Return whether a message with the given severity is outputted to the log.


Log the message to the configured logging mechanism.

Import detail#

from ansys.mechanical.core.embedding.logger.windows_api import APIBackend

Method detail#

APIBackend.flush() None#

Flush the log manually.

APIBackend.enable(sink: int = sinks.StandardSinks.CONSOLE) None#

Enable logging.

APIBackend.disable(sink: int = sinks.StandardSinks.CONSOLE) None#

Disable logging.

APIBackend.set_log_level(level: int, sink: int = sinks.StandardSinks.CONSOLE) None#

Set the log level for Mechanical based on the Python log level.

APIBackend.set_auto_flush(flush: bool) None#

Set whether to auto flush to the standard log file.

APIBackend.set_directory(directory: str) None#

Set the location to write the log file to.

APIBackend.set_base_directory(base_directory: str) None#

Set the base location to write the log file to.

The base directory contains time-stamped subfolders where the log file is actually written to. If a base directory is set, it takes precedence over the set_directory location.

This does not have an API to set at runtime.

APIBackend.can_log_message(level: int) bool#

Return whether a message with the given severity is outputted to the log.

APIBackend.log_message(level: int, context: str, message: str) None#

Log the message to the configured logging mechanism.