.. title:: PyMechanical .. image:: /_static/logo/pymechanical-logo-light.png :class: only-light :alt: PyMechanical Logo Light :width: 580px :align: center .. image:: /_static/logo/pymechanical-logo-dark.png :class: only-dark :alt: PyMechanical Logo Dark :width: 580px :align: center Python API to interact with `Ansys Mechanical`_ (FEA software for structural engineering) from **2023R2** and later versions. .. grid:: 3 .. grid-item-card:: Getting started :fa:`person-running` :padding: 2 2 2 2 :link: getting_started/index :link-type: doc Learn how to install and use PyMechanical. Explains architecture and background. :bdg-primary-line:`Install` :bdg-primary-line:`Architecture` :bdg-primary-line:`Docker` .. grid-item-card:: Examples :fa:`scroll` :padding: 2 2 2 2 :link: examples/index :link-type: doc Dive into examples created using PyMechanical. :bdg-primary-line:`Basic` :bdg-primary-line:`Technology-showcase` :bdg-primary-line:`Tips` .. grid-item-card:: API reference :fa:`book-bookmark` :padding: 2 2 2 2 :link: api/index :link-type: doc Understand PyMechanical API endpoints and their capabilities :bdg-primary-line:`Classes` :bdg-primary-line:`Methods` :bdg-primary-line:`Error handling` .. grid-item-card:: Embedding instance :fa:`window-maximize` :padding: 2 2 2 2 :link: user_guide_embedding/index :link-type: doc A Mechanical object implemented in .NET is directly loaded into Python memory. :bdg-primary-line:`Python.NET` :bdg-primary-line:`no-GUI` .. grid-item-card:: Remote session :fa:`window-restore` :padding: 2 2 2 2 :link: user_guide_session/index :link-type: doc Using gRPC, Mechanical operates as a server, ready to respond to client requests. :bdg-primary-line:`gRPC` :bdg-primary-line:`GUI` .. grid-item-card:: Mechanical scripting :fa:`code` :padding: 2 2 2 2 :link: user_guide_scripting/index :link-type: doc Overview of Ansys Mechanical scripting. :bdg-primary-line:`ACT` :bdg-primary-line:`Threading` .. grid-item-card:: FAQs :fa:`fa-solid fa-circle-question` :padding: 2 2 2 2 :link: faq :link-type: doc Frequently asked questions and their answers. :bdg-primary-line:`How` :bdg-primary-line:`Why` :bdg-primary-line:`What` .. grid-item-card:: Known issues and limitations :fa:`fa-solid fa-bug` :padding: 2 2 2 2 :link: kil/index :link-type: doc Issues and limitations on both PyMechanical and Mechanical. :bdg-primary-line:`23R2` :bdg-primary-line:`24R1` :bdg-primary-line:`24R2` .. grid-item-card:: Contribute :fa:`people-group` :padding: 2 2 2 2 :link: contributing :link-type: doc Learn how to contribute to the PyMechanical codebase or documentation. :bdg-primary-line:`Test` :bdg-primary-line:`Documentation` :bdg-primary-line:`Issues` .. toctree:: :hidden: :maxdepth: 3 getting_started/index examples/index user_guide_session/index user_guide_embedding/index user_guide_scripting/index api/index contributing kil/index faq changelog