
When using Mechanical scripting APIs (in either Mechanical’s graphical user interface or when sending scripts to a remote session of Mechanical), there are many global variables that are by default usable from Python. Some of these are API entry points, like those discussed in Mechanical scripting, while others are types and namespaces that are used by the scripting APIs. Examples of those are the Quantity, Transaction class or the DataModel entry point.

Embedding Mechanical into Python is as simple as constructing an application object. This can not automatically change the global variables available to the Python scope that constructed it. As a utility, a function that adds the API entry points is available. To use it, run the following code:

from ansys.mechanical.core import App

app = App()
# The following line extracts the global API entry points and merges them into your global
# Python global variables.

Some enum types are available when scripting inside of mechanical, such as SelectionTypeEnum or LoadDefineBy. Because these number in the thousands, by default, these enums are included in these global variables. To avoid including them, set the second argument of update_globals to False.

app.update_globals(globals(), False)